State Of Decay 2

After the success of State Of Decay the company is set for its sequel " State Of Decay 2 ". State Of Decay 2 is a third person view zombie survival game. The game is set in an open world environment and features cooperative gameplay with up to three other players. The game is being developed by Undead Labs and published by Microsoft Studios . The game was announced on June 13,2016, at Microsoft's E3 Xbox briefing. At the Microsoft's E3 2017 Xbox briefing, it was announced that the game would release in 2018 on march 15. But recently the studios announced the release date of the game, the game will be released on 22-05 2018. You can also preorder the game now. The game has various micromanagement tasks, such as planting a garden or creating different explosive at the mechanic shop and much more. At other times, the focus is on promoting the right survivor to lead the community based on their individual skills. Every player's experience is unique - as ...