
Showing posts from April, 2018

State Of Decay 2

After the success of State Of Decay the company is set for its sequel " State Of Decay 2  ". State Of Decay 2 is a third person view zombie survival game. The game is set in an open world environment and features cooperative gameplay with up to three other players. The game is being developed by Undead Labs  and published by Microsoft Studios . The game was announced on June 13,2016, at Microsoft's E3 Xbox briefing. At the Microsoft's E3 2017 Xbox briefing, it was announced that the game would release in 2018 on march 15. But recently the studios announced the release date of the game, the game will be released on 22-05 2018. You can also preorder the game now. The game has various micromanagement tasks, such as planting a garden or creating different explosive at the mechanic shop and much more. At other times, the focus is on promoting the right survivor to lead the community based on their individual skills. Every player's experience is unique - as ...


The sequel of The Last Of Us is on its way. After the big hit of The Last Of Us, it was announced at the PlayStation Experience   event in December 2016, and will serve as the sequel of 2013's The Last Of Us. The Last Of Us II is an action adventure survival horror game developed by Naughty dog  and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment  for PlayStation 4. The development of The Last Of Us II  began in 2014, and commenced motion capture in 2017. The first trailer of the game revealed the return of Ellie and Joel, whose story takes place five years after the first game, players will assume control of Ellie. The first game was centered around love but this time Druckmann has stated that this game will be centered around hate. The game's second trailer which was released on October 30,2017, as part of Paris Games Week , revealed four new characters. Druckmann stated that the characters "are integral to [Ellie and Joel's] next journey". In Ja...


Agony is a survival horror game developed by MadMind studios. In the game players begin their journey as tormented soul within the depths of hell without any memories about their past. The special ability to control people on their path, and possess minded demons, gives the player the necessary measures to survive in the extreme conditions they are in. Earlier the game was scheduled for a release on March 30,2018, but the game was delayed to an unspecified date. The game is played in FPP. In the game players controls one of the Martyrs condemned to Hell. Unlike other Martyr, the player  possess a special ability to possess Martyrs and later in the game lesser and higher demons, giving them access to special abilities. The players can avoid demons by using different methods such as crouching, holding their breath etc. The players also have to solve puzzles in order to unlock new areas. There are available hidden statues that the player can collect, as well as paintings whic...